Regular Crypto Lending
The Problem with Modern Crypto Lending Markets
The realm of crypto lending has expanded dramatically, offering unique opportunities for users to lend and borrow digital assets. Yet, this burgeoning sector is not without its challenges, often constrained by external mechanisms that hinder the fluidity of lending and borrowing a diverse range of tokens.
Limitations of Traditional Crypto Lending Platforms
Traditional crypto lending platforms often operate within a confined framework, where only a select array of tokens is available for lending and borrowing. This limitation stems from centralized decision-making processes, which dictate the tokens that are included or excluded from the platform. Such restrictions not only limit user choices but also stifle the market's potential for inclusivity and diversity.
Our Solution: Through our protocol, any token can be added as a valid collateral.
Example: If a DAO or user were to create a token XYZ, then they can use our registration system to add their token to our system, all on their own.
Capital Efficiency Issues
Often with peer-to-peer lending systems, isolated lending pools are utilized. Where if a user lends ETH, they can select that only DAI can be used to borrow that token. This model significantly limits capital efficiency.
Our Solution: Within our platform, a lender can select any number of tokens to set as possible collateral. This gives lenders control over their collateral.
Example: A user can chose to lend ETH and accept DAI, BTC, XYZ, LINK as valid collateral types. Thus, multiple borrowers can borrow from this user using any of those tokens.
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